International Day of Trans Visibility 2021

Today is the 12th annual International Day of Trans Visibility. Unlike the Transgender Day of Rememberance, which mourns the victims of hate crimes and violence against transgender people, today we recognise the resilience in the community and celebrates the success of transgender and non-binary people.

Internal Day of Trans Visibility was founded by Rachel Crandall in 2009. It is a day to celebrate the courage it takes to live openly and authentically and reiterates the need to have equal rights for all.  

We want to reiterate this message tenfold at Certified Proud. The mission is exactly this: create a world a collective of safe spaces so that members of the LGBTQ+ community can live a life free from discrimination and unease. Certified Proud removes the unknown so you can travel, work and live with confidence.

We must not become complacent. We must not forget those who still feel invisible, even in their own communities. And we must not ignore those who may live every day with the crippling fear of discrimination or violence.

Here’s to a world where every transgender and non-binary person is respected and protected with the same human rights as any other person. In light of this day, here are three trans trailblazers that we’d like to celebrate!


Jack Murphy

Now I know what you’re thinking - that’s not Jack - that’s Ryan! Jack Murphy plays Ryan in popular Irish soap opera, Fair City, and was actually the first trans character on any Irish soap opera. Jack has spoken publicly about his personal journey with top surgery and has brought a huge amount of visibility and awareness to the general public on the challenges that the trans community face in Ireland.


Jamie & Chloe O’Herlihy

Jamie and Chloe O’Herlihy are sisters who came out as trans in 2016 and have supported each other through their journey since. They are beacons for trans people, because they know first-hand how it feels to come out as trans. Now, they are successful social media stars and advocates for trans rights. A wonderful story of hope and family. You can find Jamie’s Youtube channel here.


Inclusive Workspaces: Huckletree & Certified Proud


Keep being kind: International Day of Happiness